For the Birds

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Matthew 6:25-34

I was reminded of this passage this morning, as I sat down with my bowl of Cheerios and noticed that “our” woodpecker had his mind on breakfast, as well.

About a week before Christmas, I attempted to bake my first batch of home-made Chex Mix.  I followed the instructions to a T,  mixing and turning the ingredients every 15 minutes.  All was going well, until during the last few minutes of the bake, I got caught up in a conversation with Larry.  “Oh no!  The Chex Mix!”   I realized that it was burning.  😦   We tried to eat it, but decided it was better left for the birds.   So, our birds have been feasting on burnt Chex Mix for the past few weeks.

I am always in awe of nature when I look out our back window.  This morning, it was the woodpecker and two other little blue feathered birds that we have seen before.  The idea that they have  free reign of this whole city and somehow find their way back to our little bird feeder, time and time again, is amazing to me.

I love to look at how beautifully adorned these birds are with their bright feathers and intricate patterns.  Maybe that’s why I enjoy Larry’s saltwater fish hobby, so much.  A God who took the time to imagine and create such beautiful designs on these creatures, took even more time to mold us!  How much more does he love and care for us!  It’s a very basic thought, but one that I forget far too often.

I’ve been worrying a lot this past year and it’s taken its toll on my body and my spirit. I need to remember what the birds of the air already know.  Trust God and He will provide.

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One response to “For the Birds

  1. Amen! This also makes me feel even more sad about the fish! 😦 I totally agree about watching all the wildlife and being in awe of God’s creation and how He provides for them. Even more so, for us. The wildlife is something I really miss about our old place! I love hearing what God is speaking to you about! May this be the year of owning this scripture and claiming it often! I was reading from 1 Peter this morning and it read “Cast all your anxieties on Him, b/c He cares for you.” It reminded me of the end of that passage in Matthew.

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